May 4, 2023 | Copywriting tips, Email and newsletters
As a surf business owner, you’re most likely being pulled in a bunch of different directions on a daily basis. If you can picture it, I imagine you’re like a wetsuit during one of those stretch tests where four people each pull on a different limb to...
Apr 21, 2023 | Copywriting tips, Email and newsletters
Are you searching for ways to keep your surf brand in the spotlight? Content creation is a great way to keep your customers engaged, build brand awareness and increase overall sales. The only drawback? The challenge of coming up with content ideas can be daunting and...
Mar 28, 2023 | Copywriting tips, Writing tips
I recently wrote a handful of product descriptions for a client. And as I was writing them, it struck me that writing a product description is perhaps not as difficult as most surf biz owners think. Sure, they take time just like everything else. And I understand if...
Mar 9, 2023 | Copywriting tips, Surf culture
Practically all the money that I save goes back into two things: our house in Portugal (a.k.a. Casa de Moneypit) or surfboards and surf-related expenses. This means that I’m constantly browsing for both new and old surfboards online. And that as a copywriter, I...
Jan 27, 2023 | Copywriting tips, Surf tourism copywriting tips, Writing tips
One of the most important things to understand when writing web, blog or social media copy for your business is the difference between features and benefits. Too often, surf businesses focus too heavily on features instead of benefits, which can cost you dearly in...
Dec 14, 2022 | Copywriting tips, Surf tourism copywriting tips, Writing tips
If you run a surf camp, surf house or any other type of surf-centric accommodation, then you’ll know that it can be difficult to see your beautiful space empty and unused in the off-season. In previous years, shutting down shop and letting go of staff for the...