Feel like your blog page is messier than the back of a surfer’s car?
Most likely there are a few reasons for that. One could be that you post inconsistently, which is an easy fix (read this article for more blogging tips).
Another is that you’re blog article strategy is unbalanced, which is to say you neglect SEO for inspirational or lifestyle-focused articles or vice versa.
Here’s how you fix that.
What are SEO articles?
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation, meaning the practice of optimising your content to rank higher on search engines like Google.
The goal is to make it more likely that people will find your content when they type related keywords into a search engine.
SEO articles are written with this in mind and use specific techniques such as keyword research, backlinking and meta tags to help improve their ranking.
They tend to be more informational and educational in nature, with a focus on providing useful and relevant content for readers.
In all honesty, SEO articles can feel slightly dull. Boring isn’t too strong of a word.
The trick is to make them both SEO-friendly and interesting to readers by making sure they tick keyword boxes and provide value.
Examples of SEO articles
- This article on surfing Sri Lanka from The Surf Tribe
- This article on portable camp showers for Beach Soul®
- This article on 10 day road trips from Vancouver by Roadsurfer
What are lifestyle articles?
On the other side of the blog article coin is lifestyle or ‘colour’ articles as I sometimes call them.
These articles should of course incorporate SEO best practices, but they have a different focus.
They are more personal and often showcase a particular lifestyle or aspect of it.
They can be used to promote products, travel destinations or even just provide inspiration for readers.
The main word here being ‘inspiration’.
Personally, I believe this is what lifestyle articles are all about. If you don’t leave the reader feeling moved in some way, then you’re not doing it right.
The key to writing good lifestyle articles is to find a balance between personal experiences and valuable information for the reader. And as someone who’s been surfing for over two decades now, I feel like I have a good grasp on both aspects… which is a shameless plug for my own services, but hey, it’s my blog.
Examples of lifestyle articles
- This article on age and surfing by Xanadu
- This article on surfing and the Blue Mind Theory by Surf Expedition
- This article on buying your first beginner surfboard by Go Surf
How do I know which one to focus on?
This is where things get… complicated.
Knowing whether to focus on SEO articles or lifestyle articles is a delicate balance. Ultimately, it comes back to your overall content strategy.
Are you being absolutely crushed by the competition when it comes to SEO? Well-researched, informative articles to improve your SERP (search engine results page) ranking might be your best bet.
However, if you’ve already got a decent foothold in your chosen location or niche when it comes to SEO (as in, you’re at the top of the first page or even on the second page for multiple pages), then it’s time to diversify and focus more on lifestyle articles.
In my experience, you should create a content calendar with a balance of both types of articles. You need to also closely monitor which articles are bringing traffic and create more content around popular themes.
This will help keep your blog page fresh and interesting for readers while also ensuring that your SEO efforts aren’t neglected like a wetsuit with giant holes in the crotch.
Because while glueing a neoprene patch to your wetsuits bum hole (I said it!) is easy, clawing your way back to the top of Google by capturing more organic traffic isn’t.
Final thoughts
In the end, it’s important to remember that both SEO articles and lifestyle articles have their place in your blog page.
It’s all about finding the right balance for your specific niche, goals and audience.
So don’t neglect either type of article and always strive to provide valuable and engaging content for your readers.
That way, you’ll not only see an increase in traffic but also build a loyal following of readers who appreciate your blog for both its informational and personal aspects.
Keep experimenting and don’t be afraid to mix things up from time to time, as long as you stay true to your brand and provide value to your audience.
Get in touch if you need help doing this!
I now plan on a little bit of SEO article writing. I jot down a few things about surfing and repairs but have never taken the time to be serious
Hey Greg, if you need help getting started just flick me an email lac@thesurfingcopywriter.com – let me know what you’re struggling with and I’ll point you in the right direction